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Westglade Primary School

Westglade Primary School

Grow, discover & blossom

School Values

  • Resilience
  • Creativity
  • Kindness
  • Excellence
  • Respect
  • Honesty


Westglade has high expectations for all pupils’ attendance and in line with National Guidelines, our expectation is that all children aim for at least 97% attendance. Regular attendance is extremely important for your child’s wellbeing and progress and the impact of non-attendance at school and nursery significantly increases gaps in knowledge and understanding for children. Research has shown that this has a huge impact on their attainment, achievement and future life choices.


Attendance Expectations



The school day starts at 8:45am and we expect all children are in their classrooms and ready to learn by this time.

To help families to ensure good punctuality the school gates open at 8:30am and close at 8:50am. If your child arrives after this time you will be required to take them to the office to sign them in and provide a reason for lateness.


We ask that all children are in school on time every day where possible to avoid them missing valuable learning. Every minute in school counts and every minute of lateness quickly adds up.


We realise that children are sometimes poorly and need to stay at home, but we would encourage you to ensure that your children come into school every day where possible. Missing 2 days a month means a child misses 10% of the school year so every day in school really does count.


All schools are required by law to maintain an accurate record of the attendance and absence of each child and parents are asked to assist in this process by keeping the school informed if their child is absent for any reason.

If your child is absent from school we ask that you contact the school office to provide a reason for absence before 9.00am. Where possible, you should advise how long the absence is expected to be. You can do this by telephone on 0115 9157515 or by email to


Sometimes it can be difficult to make a judgement on whether your child should come to school. Guidance on illnesses and when your child needs to stay home can be found on the NHS website. Alternatively, whilst we cannot provide medical advice, you can call the school office to enquire as to whether your child can attend school or not.



Occasionally, you may need to take your child out of school during the school day. If you know that you will have to take your child out of school in advance, we ask you inform the school office in advance. Where possible, you should try to make dental, medical and other appointments for your child outside of school time.



Westglade actively discourages taking children out of school during term-time for holidays because of the disruption that it causes to the education of individual pupils and class groups. Under current guidance, without exceptional circumstance, schools cannot give parents permission to take their children out of school during term time.

All requests for term time leave should be submitted to the Head Teacher in writing with at least 6 weeks’ notice. A printed Leave of absence form can be obtained from the school office or accessed at the bottom of this page.

Ensuring all children are supported to have good attendance


At Westglade the staff member responsible for attendance is the Attendance Officer Miss Sandhu and she is supported by the office team, Miss Brettle and Miss Ludlow, who are the first point of contact in the school for parents reporting absences.


You can contact the school office by phone on 01159157515, by email to or via Class Dojo. 


We have a responsibility as a school to keep you informed of your child's attendance. We will communicate your child's attendance with you each half term by letter and may call you. We may also invite you into school to meet with us to discuss your child's attendance if we have any concerns. 


We are aware and understanding that there will be occasional exceptional circumstances that will require individual support or alternative arrangements. We encourage parents to discuss any difficulties they may be experiencing with your child's class teacher, Mrs Wenyon, Ms Kershaw or anyone in the Westglade team so that we can support your family and prevent your child missing valuable time in school.

Every day at school counts towards good attendance and ensures all children access their valuable learning


The below table shows how every day in school matters and how school may reach out to support you at each stage.

We love to celebrate all of our attendance wins at Westglade!


To help encourage a positive attitude to good attendance and promote the Westglade value of EXCELLENCE in all of our children we love to celebrate all the attendance wins (big and small) and have a range of rewards and incentives that happen throughout the year. We hope children will enjoy taking part in the challenge and will be excited about being 



We also hope that you as parents will be encouraged to join us in celebrating your child and their education.

Thank you for your ongoing support in ensuring children are in school on time every day where possible.