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Westglade Primary School

Westglade Primary School

Grow, discover & blossom

School Values

  • Resilience
  • Creativity
  • Kindness
  • Excellence
  • Respect
  • Honesty

Parent Communication

We strongly believe that strong communication between school and families is vital. We use Class Dojo as a way to communicate with our parents. You can access Class Dojo through the link below:

You can also download it on Apple and Android smartphones through the app stores. It is free of charge.

The messaging system within the Class Dojo app is a great way to contact the class teacher and ask any questions you have. You will receive whole school messages also.  

Class & School Story


This gives you a great insight into what your child is doing at school on a daily basis. On the Class Story you will be able to see what activities have been going on in the classroom. Parents can only view the Class Story for the class their child is in (a parent of a pupil in Year 6 could not see Year 4's class story).


The School Story is the same but everyone in the school can view these messages. 

All our children are set up on Class Dojo. Parents can get their joining codes from the school office. Watch the video for help with connecting and logging on.