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Westglade Primary School

Westglade Primary School

Grow, discover & blossom

School Values

  • Resilience
  • Creativity
  • Kindness
  • Excellence
  • Respect
  • Honesty

Remote Learning

In the event of a long-term absence or school closure we always strive to make our curriculum accessible. If remote education is needed for a pupil or a group of pupils, the senior leadership team and class teacher decide on the most appropriate method. We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:


• Class Dojo

• Carefully selected digital platforms adaptable bank of resources

• Exercises that support retrieval practice and fluency

• We will use recorded high-quality lessons delivered by expert subject teachers in Music and PE where appropriate 

• Use of printed paper packs produced by teachers if requested

• Reading books


We have a full remote learning policy that details our procedures in more detail. As with all school policies, this is available free of charge from the school office.