What is Science at Westglade?
Our science curriculum ensures learning is exciting, challenging and meets all children’s needs. The learning exposes children to the importance of science in society and how it relates to everyday life. It encourages children to ask questions about the world and gives them the opportunity to find out in ways they may not have imagined before.
We strongly believe that our children are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum and we provide this through both scientific knowledge and skills. These come through the working scientifically strands that are then built upon each year, in order for them to become more independent. Our aim is for our children to become Scientists who are equipped with both the knowledge and skills to explore the world.
You can read more about what our Science curriculum looks like in our policy.
How is Science progressive?

Recent research has supported the creation of our knowledge paths and skills ladders along with the use of the National Curriculum and our professional knowledge of our children.
How do we teach Science?
Science at Westglade is taught from Nursery and foundation stage as part of their different areas of learning, especially 'Understanding of the World'. From years 1 to 6, it is taught every week as a stand alone lesson. Each lesson both uses the substantive and disciplinary knowledge as well as enabling children to be inquisitive. The children have the opportunity to use the STEM room for their lessons and are surrounded by key scientific vocabulary. Science lessons often begin with a posing question for the children to investigate.
What does Science look like?