F1 - Bees
Welcome Bees!
If you are starting in Nursery, you will become a Bee! Our class teacher for Nursery this year is Miss Foster on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and then Miss Mason on Thursday.
We also have several support staff who help out in class. These staff are Mrs Thamina, Mrs Seaton, Mrs Parish and Mr Speed.
Our Nursery gate opens at 8:30am in the morning at 3:00pm in the afternoon to allow for a more staggered collection time before the rest of school finish at 3:15. We've found this allows us to have conversations with parents at the end of day and the children have a calm end to their day.
At Westglade, we use a communication tool called Class Dojo. When your child starts, you will receive a QR code to access their profile. On here, you can see pictures of what they have been doing in nursery, how many Dojo points they have received and I will also post any updates on the Class Story. The School Story is the place to look for all whole school updates including INSET days, school photos etc.
What happens at Nursery?
At Westglade, we use Continuous Provision to allow the children the freedom to make their own learning choices and provide enhancements and use adult interaction to move their learning forward. They will have the opportunity to explore block play, a wide range of construction resources, mark making, maths resources, domestic role play, workshop resources, play dough, painting, water and sand. We follow the same structure outside where the children are encouraged to explore freely. We are so lucky at Westglade to have such fantastic grounds and we spend a lot of time outside.
We follow a book-based curriculum in EYFS at Westglade and this means we will be exploring lots of different books across the year. I will post information about this on Class Dojo so it would be great if you could encourage your child to tell you what they know about the book we are exploring.
Nursery checklist
- Names in items of clothing including hats etc.
- Water bottle with a name on.
- Weather appropriate clothing is really important as we spend a lot of time outside. We have some spare wellies but sending your child with their own pair would be really helpful.
- Let us know about any allergies or dietary requirements, especially any changes.
- A set (or two) of spare clothing including underwear and socks.
Messy Play
Messy play is an incredibly important part of our provision at Westglade and is a vital part of children developing curiosity, initiative, focus and persistence. We have aprons and overalls but young children have a very special way of still managing to get messy! It's all part of the fun and all part of the learning. For this reason, please do not send your child to school in anything you would be upset about becoming messy.