Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Year 6 is an incredibly exciting year. There is so much to learn and lots of exciting visits and visitors. It is especially important as it is your final year of primary school. Whilst this may seem daunting and a little sad to think about - don't worry because we will support you all the way and we will have the best year.
What do I need and when?
We have P.E every Friday afternoon this half term. Please ensure the correct P.E kit is in school for this day.
The children will also receive their homework each Friday to return the following Thursday for whole class marking.
Children should bring their green spelling books in each day to support with their spelling and continue to bring their reading cards into school for signing and stamping by the class teacher.
What do you learn about in Year 6?
Year 6 is full of really interesting topics. Each half term our learning will be driven by these areas: