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Westglade Primary School

Westglade Primary School

Grow, discover & blossom

School Values

  • Resilience
  • Creativity
  • Kindness
  • Excellence
  • Respect
  • Honesty


Being a school governor is an important role. They are responsible for working closely with the headteacher and senior leadership team to ensure that the school is statutorily compliant, that it offers good value for money and that the care and safety of all staff and children is of the highest priority.


What do they do? 


The role of the governing body is to take a largely strategic role in the running of the school. This includes:

  • Setting up a strategic framework for the school and helping to decide the school's strategy for improvement;
  • Setting its aims, objectives and priorities.
  • Agreeing policies and targets for achieving the objectives;
  • Monitoring and reviewing aims, objectives and whether the policies, targets and priorities are being achieved;
  • Acting as a critical friend by asking questions and push for improvements as well as promoting the interests of the school and its pupils;
  • Ensure accountability by discussing and refining proposals while respecting the professional roles of the Head Teacher and other staff. In its turn the governing body answers for its actions to parents and the wider local community for the school's overall performance.


The governing body is not responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school. This is the responsibility of the Head Teacher.


Governor Diversity Statement


The Governing Body of Westglade Primary School represents a diverse mix of committed individuals who support inclusion, diversity and equality. We are a mixed gender board, with a varying age range and varying ethnic backgrounds. The majority of our board members live locally to the school, increasing local knowledge, and many are also parents of children of school age bringing relevant experience and understanding to the role. The majority of our board members entered higher education and were educated in state education.


Each member of our board brings their unique expertise, background and experience to the role, striving to relate to and empathise with all members of the Westglade community.


Our Governing Body